摘要:This thesis is motivated by the existence of a legal product that is issued or made by Notarybeyond its authority and not provided for in Law No. 30 Year 2004 on Notary . The legal product knownas covernote .Covernoteis a statement or frequently termed as a cover note made by a notary .Covernoteisissued by the notary for a notary has not finished its work in relation to the duty and authority to issue anauthentic deed . When examined in the duties and authority of the notary Notary Act is not a single articlethat confirms that the notary may issue covernote . Based on the background above , the problems arise :first , Is a Notary has the power to make Covernote according to Law Number 30 Year 2004 concerningNotary and secondly , How Notary responsible in terms of events or actions in covernote law can not befulfilled .To answer the issues above , the research methods used in this thesis are normative legal researchmethods which imply the existence of a vacancy norm in Article 15 UUJN namely the lack of regulationon the issuing authority covernote Notary . Sources of legal materials used is the primary legal materials ,secondary , and tertiary , which is also supported by the field data . After all the data has beencollected ,both field data and literature data are then classified qualitatively according to the problem .The results of this thesis is first, a notary is not authorized to make covernote because they arenot set in UUJN , so that the product or Notary legal act is not legally binding . And second, in issuing acovernote,Notary solely responsible for the content of such covernote , which is about facts or the truthabout what is done by him and obliged to finish what has been described in the covernote . If covernoteNotary proved to result in losses for the party , then the Notary personally responsible and can be suedcivilly in the form of compensation . Criminal sanctions may be imposed if the contents covernote issuedby the Notary is proven to describe a false statement .