摘要:Bankruptcy law in Indonesia is obliged to observe and comply with the regulations set out in LawNo. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Obligation Payment (PKPU). Therequirements of bankruptcy decision are stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1). These regulations causeproblems due to the vagueness of norms; that the bankruptcy terms are too simple, so it would cause thedebtor who actually still in good financial state sentenced into the bankruptcy state. A mechanism ofprotection for both debtors and creditors is needed so they are not harmed in the bankruptcy process.Therefore a regulation of bankruptcy prevention through a combination of Insolvency Test, CorporateReorganization and PKPU is needed, so that bankruptcy law can be applied in line with the objectives ofnational economic development. Based on this, the problems those can be formulated are about what themajor on regulation of combination system of Insolvency Test, Corporate Reorganization and PKPU andhow the prevention regulation of a company tangled on bankruptcy by using combination system ofInsolvency Test, Corporate Reorganization and PKPU.