摘要:The study examines the literary works that shapped into the modern Balinese narrativetext in the form of short stories. The short stories have been consulted and taken from acollection of short stories Sawelas Satua Bawak Basa Bali made by I Nengah Sudipa. This studyexamines three short stories in the collection of short stories Sawelas Satua Bawak Basa Baliwith entitled Magibung, Paras Paros,and Sarwagita.This study uses the theory of structural. The structural theory using a combination ofseveral literary expert opinion including name of Teeuw and Ratna, but the approach sociologyof literature using the opinion of Damono, Wellek and Warren. Methods and techniques used inthis study was divided into three stages namely, 1) methods and techniques of data provision, 2)methods and techniques of data analysis, 3) methods and techniques of presenting the results ofdata analysis. To support these methods use some method of recording techniques and translationtechniques.This study revealedthe presence of narrative structure which consist of insiden, alur,latar, tokoh dan penokohan, tema and amanat. This study also reveals the social aspects of aspektradisi, aspek mata pencaharian, aspek aspek estetika, aspek pendidikan, and aspekkebersamaan.