摘要:Kesadaran Metakognitif, Proses Sains, dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Mahasiswa Divergen dan Konvergen dalam PBL Abstract: The aim of this study are: (1) determine differences in metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning outcomes of students with PBL and conventional strategies; (2) determine differences in metacognitive awareness, science process skills, and cognitive learning outcomes between students with divergent thinking and convergent character that learned by PBL strategy.This study uses three kinds of designs are descriptive study design, quasi-experimental design and pre-experimental design to answer the research objectives.Instruments used in this research are: (1) questionnaire characters divergent thinking and convergent; (2) metacognitive awareness questionnaire; (3) observation sheets science process skills; and (4) tests the cognitive learning.Data were analyzed by inferential statistics.The results showed that: (1) there is no difference in metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning outcomes of students who gained from learning with PBL strategies and conventional strategies; (2) there is no difference metacognitive awareness and cognitive learning outcomes among students of divergent and convergent.Science process skills of students diverging better than converging.
关键词:kesadaran metakognitif; proses sains; hasil belajar; karakter berpikir; PBL