The purpose of the present paper is to throw light upon the relationship between adolescents and their parents in social attitudes. Assuming eight aspects of life philosophy, we prepared a questionnaire. The eight aspects are: democratic, feudalistic, rationalistic, unrationalistic, spiritual, utilitarianistic, socialistic, and egoistic. Subjects of the inquiry were 536 children and their parents. 271 boys and 265 girls were pupils of two junior high schools and two senior high schools in both Nagoya City and Hands City. The findings obtained are as follow: 1. The relationship between the adolescents and their parents in terms of social attitudes differs accordingly as the eight aspects of social attitudes. In feudalistic, unrationalistic, and egoistic aspects, the scores of children in first and second grades of the junior high schools are nearly equal to those of their parents. There was, however, found a significant difference between the children of senior high schools and their parents. 2. The correlation coefficients of social attitudes between the adolescents and their parents are generally lower than those between their father and mother. The older the adolescents, the smaller the coefficients between them and their parents. The correlation coefficients between mother and daughter are higher than those between father and son, father and daughter, or mother and son. 3. The results of the factor analysis revealed that the social attitudes investigated can be grouped into two: (1) democratic, rationalistic, spiritual, and socialistic aspects; (2) feudalistic, unrationalistic, utilitarianistic and egoistic aspects. The similarity of aspects belonged to the same group is found to be greater in parents responses. In some cases an illogical interrelationships among responses in the various aspects are shown in parents and children of the first grade of the junior high schools. This illogicality is diminished in children of the second grade of senior highschools. These results seem to indicate that parents' in fluence on attitudes of their adolescent children decreases with the childrens' age level increased.