摘要:Input current distortion in the vicinity of input voltage zero crossing of Boost single-phase active power factor corrected rectifier in high line frequency is studied based on one cycle control method in this paper. The current loop model and input admittance model of active power correction based on one cycle control is particularly analyzed. The results point out that its equivalent power stage of current loop is a 1st order system, and that its input admittance is the pure resistive around low frequency domain and the capacitive characteristics above 1 kHz. From about the frequency 1 kHz, then, the input line current phase leads input voltage. However, it is does not matter in aero ac power system with 400Hz or 360~800Hz line frequency in the future, and it is suitable for applications as front converter in aero power supply system.
关键词:power factor corrected; zero-crossing distortion; one cycle control; input admittance