摘要:The purpose of the present study is to find the possible difference among Iranian EFL learner’s writing ability in terms of three writing approaches of product, process, and post-process. The participants of the study included 60 EFL sophomores who were non-randomly selected out of 100 students at Azad University. The students had similar educational backgrounds in that they had been exposed to Writing Course I as prerequisite to Writing Course II. The participants’ ages ranged from 19-26. They were all TEFL bilinguals (Azari and Persian) who were taking writing course (II) at Islamic Azad University. The researchers divided research sample into three groups of 20. All three groups were exposed to three different approaches. The first group was exposed to the product approach, the second group to the process approach and the third group exposed to the post-process approach respectively. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of three different writing approaches, the researcher gave two identical post-tests (cause–effect and procedural) to all three groups. The findings of the study revealed that post process approach did not show any significant priorities over process approach, but they both indicated remarkable priority over product approach. Finally implications were drawn for EFL teachers, students, and syllabus designers.