摘要:Persistence, Motivation and Resilience: Older Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities ABSTRACT Many young adults involved with the child welfare system have a unique set of circumstances and needs. As they come of age, separated from their families of origin, additional services and supports are warranted to achieve their goals in life. This qualitative study explores the experiences of youth who have been impacted by the foster care system and are enrolled at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in the Mid-Atlantic region. Using a phenomenological approach, participants were interviewed regarding their motivation to attend an HBCU. Journey to College and Current College Experiences were two major themes that emerged from the interviews, along with several sub themes. The need for additional research and implications for child welfare social work practice are discussed.
关键词:Older foster care youth; Historically Black Colleges and Universities