标题:Improvement of Palatability and Inhibition of Abrupt Increase in Postprandial Blood Glucose Level by the Boiled Rice after Soaking with Functional Food Ingredients
摘要:Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, and its prevention and treatment are extremely important. It is reported that inhibition of abrupt postprandial increase of glucose is effective to prevent the initiation of type 2 diabetes. We evaluated the efficacy of boiled rice soaked in MSTR (0.1% unsalted rice koji miso , 0.6% water-soluble extracts from ego seaweed, 5.6% water-soluble extracts from tomato, 5.6% water-soluble extracts from red onion, and 0.1% rice bran oil). Rice cultivars, including Japonica (Koshihikari) and ae mutants, (Hokurikukona243) were evaluated to assess the physical properties and chemical composition of the boiled rice grains. We investigated the inhibition of abrupt increases in postprandial blood glucose after consuming boiled rice using Sprague-Dawley rats. Blood glucose levels increase after consuming boiled rice soaked in MSTR were significantly lower than those of Koshihikari soaked in distilled water. The soaked boiled rice contained high levels of dietary fibers, glutamic acid, glucose content and a high 2, 2-dipheny1-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging capacity. This treatment would improve the bio-functional properties of boiled rice. Furthermore, we developed formulae for estimating the postprandial blood glucose level based on the contents of resistant starch and glucose, and physical property (toughness) of boiled rice grains. It would lead to an easy method for selecting the palatable and bio-functional boiled rice.