According to Meyer, musical emotion is elicited by deviations from musical expecta- tion. We assume such deviations as a musical complexity. In this study, we focused on the structure of melodies, and created complexities built in either or both types of structures: one made of notes and the other made of grouping hierarchic elements, which we called level 1 structure and level 2 structure. We conducted a psychological experiment revealing relationships between emotion and musical complexities. Par- ticipants assessed musical emotions (GEMS-9) and feeling that something is wrong as sensory psychological quantity of complexities. As the results of ANOVAs, we found that destructions of both level 1 structure and level 2 structure effected feeling that something is wrong . Moreover, destructions of level 2 structure effected tension , sad- ness ,and transcendence of musical emotions. These results indicate that manipulating destructions level of musical structure might control specific musical emotions.