Recent research on human perception is selectively reviewed with a focus on emer- ging issues in cognitive science and cognitive psychology. An important new approach to perception is identified that emphasizes integrated processes involving relationships among different features extracted from multiple modalities. We propose this new approach termed “integrated perception”. Characteristics of “integrated perception” include an emphasis on trade-offs and interactive relations between perceptual pro- cesses, and incorporation implicitly connected processes as well as individual differences. These topics tend to be discounted in conventional approaches. Instead, conventional approaches in cognitive and brain sciences have been based on traditional reduction- ism which focuses exclusively on accounts of individual constituent processes, but not their inter-relationships. Alternatively, new research themes reflecting integrated per- ception feature topics such as: Attention, Object & scene perception, Representation of body and space, Trans-modal perception, Aesthetics, and Synesthesia (i.e. AORTAS project). Recent progress in this vein is introduced which concerns research on object view dependency, visual-thermal interaction, and Japanese grapheme-color synesthesia.