出版社:The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
摘要:With the spread of mobile devices, need for development methodology of MMI (MultiModal Interaction) systems is increasing in recent years. We have designed a new object-oriented MMI description language named MrailsScript which is based on the data model definition. MrailsScript has maintainability and scalability compared with previous languages which based on the finite state model. The data model definition is based on semantic web ontology that makes the definition process simpler and can use meta-data of Linked Open Data. However the developer is required to learn about related semantic web technologies in order to take advantage of MrailsScript. The aim of this research is to develop a new Multimodal interactive system development environment, named MrailsBuilder, which is based on ontological knowledge. MrailsBuilder supports data model definition process by visualizing the structure of ontology. In addition, MrailsBuilder automatically generates SPARQL query from MrailsScript which creates the target contents of the MMI system from Linked Open Data with the inference capability. We developed an example MMI systems using this MrailsBuilder and examined its facilities of development process.
关键词:multimodal interaction ; interactive system development ; semantic web