摘要:Na região Amazônica, pouco se conhece sobre a fauna de Coleópteros do solo. Efetuou-se o presente trabalho para conhecer sua abundância e distribuição vertical no solo de terra firme, com cobertura florística de capoeira. O estudo compreendeu 13 coletas mensais de amostras de solo na reserva Tarumã-Mírim, 20 km ao norte de Manaus. As 156 amostras, provenientes de uma área de 1.320 m2, media 21 cm de diâmetro por 7 cm de profundidade, e foram divididas em sub-amostras de 0-3,5 cm e 3,5 - 7 cm; para extrair os coleópteros em laboratório usou-se o método de Kempson modificado. Dos 2.828 adultos capturados (524 ind/m2), encontrou-se 81% na camada superficial. As famílias mais abundantes foram Scydmaenidae (22%), Ptiliidae (22%) e Pselaphldae (21%). Do Total dos adultos, 52% foram capturados na época seca e fêz-se correlações entre o número de Indivíduos das principais famílias com fatores climáticos. As larvas (1.138 Indivíduos) não foram classificadas.
其他摘要:Abundance and vertical distribution of soil Coleoptera in "terra firme" second-growth. Amazonian soil Coleoptera are poorly known. This study was done to determine their abundance and vertical distribution in the soil. At monthly intervale, soil samples were collected from a "terra firme" second-growth area in the Tarumã-mirim Reserve, 20 km north of Manaus, during 13 months. 156 randomly distributed samples were taken from an area of 1320 m2, each sample measured 21 cm in diameter by 7 cm in depth and was divided into 2 equal samples of o - 3,5 cm and 3,5 - 7 cm in depth. The modified Kempson method was used to extract Coleoptera in the laboratory. Of the 2,828 individual Coleoptera captured (525 ind/m2), 81% were from the surface layer. The most abundant families were Scydmaenidae (22%), Ptiliidae (22%) and Vselaphidae (21%). Fifty-two percent were captured in the dry season and the major families were correlated with local climatic factors. The larvae (1,138 individuals) were not identified.