摘要:A straight-forward analytical strategy called internal extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (iEESI-MS), which combines solvent extraction of chemicals inside a bulk sample with in situ electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, has been established to directly characterize the interior of a bulk sample with molecular specificity. The method allows both qualitative and quantitative analysis of analytes distributed in a 3-dimensional volume (e.g., 1 ~ 100 mm3) of various synthetic and biological matrices (e.g., chewing gum, leaves, fruits, roots, pork, lung tissues) without either mashing the sample or matrix separation. Using different extraction solvents, online chromatographic separation of chemicals inside the sample volume was observed during iEESI-MS analysis. The presented method is featured by the high speed of analysis, high sensitivity, low sample consumption and minimal sample preparation and/or degradation, offering unique possibilities for advanced applications in plant science, clinical diagnosis, catalyst studies, and materials science.