摘要:Graphene oxides (GOs) have emerged as precursors offering the potential of a cost-effective and large-scale production of graphene-based materials. Despite that their intrinsic fluorescence property has already brought interest of researchers for optical applications, to date, refractive-index modulation as one of the fundamental aspects of optical properties of GOs has received less attention. Here we reported on a giant refractive-index modulation on the order of 10−2 to 10−1, accompanied by a fluorescence intensity change, through the two-photon reduction of GOs. These features enabled a mechanism for multimode optical recording with the fluorescence contrast and the hologram-encoded refractive-index modulation in GO-dispersed polymers for security-enhanced high-capacity information technologies. Our results show that GO-polymer composites may provide a new material platform enabling flexible micro-/nano-photonic information devices.