期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA)
出版社:Science and Information Society (SAI)
摘要:web 2.0 and its applications spread widely among internet users. Taking advantage of the easy, the friendly and the rich user interfaces. As consequence, the creation and the production of content become available to anyone. The ordinary user has step forward toward being a producer rather than remaining passive consumer. With this usage shifting, a new concern emerged: the quality of the User-Generated Content UGC or the User-Created Content UCC. Our team has developed a new concept of a Framework for managing the quality of the validated content in the participative web based on the evaluation of content’s quality during its lifetime on the web. As continuation of our work, we will present a concept of extending the quality assessment of UGC or UCC into the real world by creating a bridge between digital content and its homologue in the physical world (e.g. printed version …). We will combine existing technologies such as QR codes or RFID in order to perform the linking between the digital and the physical content. This approach well offers the possibility of following the quality of UGC or UCC; and eventually evaluates it; even in hard copies. The evaluation and the assessment of physical content originated from digital content generated through web 2.0 applications will be done in real-time. The proposed approach is implemented to our framework by integrating the features into the UML diagrams in the Blog case.