出版社:Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
摘要:The new conceptual approach, through sustainable prism, redirects the managerial activities of tourism firms to responsible strategies from the social point of view. The solution is not an innovating one but reshaped in ethicalcivic spirit. The success of tourism businesses underlies unconditionally on the human component and especially on the implication level of that, in the administration of tourism services. Relying on a study made in the spring of this year, analysis that regards the human resource from tourism, it has been revealed for example that at housing units level of Suceava, the ethic manner of approach is impercipient, even superficial. The employers from the tourism are esspecially interested in the young work force, appreciated for its big capacity of sustained effort, for its great level of interaction with its tourists and especially for the ease with which they can talk in an international language. But most of the times, the emoluments don’t requite the laid effort from the employers, and the ethical principles are applied aleatory and discriminating. So, more intense focalization on the human component in the implementation of the social responsibility principles is needed. In this case, the ethic becomes the support for the improvement of tourism competitive through sustainable prism.
关键词:human resource; ethics; social responsibility; stakeholders; sustainable development; accommodation units