出版社:Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
摘要:By establishing a research center, a team of scientist related to the Commerce Department of the Academy of Economic Studies, consisting mainly of university teachers, shows commitment to adhere at worldclass standards of university activity. In response to the demands and opportunities of a changing world, the university research must evolve, to incorporate new findings on the processes of learning. The favorable impact of university research and university partnership with business and industry on the economic and cultural vitality of a given community is well illustrated by best ranked universities which are classified as research universities2; for instance it is considered that the American “research universities” have enormously contributed to the wealth and productivity of the nation. After two years of activity the so called “Centrul de Cercetari Comerciale” (The Business Research Center) has proved its viability by a significant portfolio of research projects, including research of excellence projects selected through competition to receive public funding. The highest priorities for the next development stage of the center are: (a) increasing of the international exposure of its activity, mainly by participation with own research projects in international competitions, and (b) enlarging and strengthening the partnership with the business community.