出版社:Academy of Economic Studies - Bucharest, Romania
摘要:Economic growth is an increase of the results of an economic system in a particular time and space. Economic results are synthetically described by GNP or real GDP adjusted with the deflator on the whole or per capita. Sustainable development is the kind of development that satisfies the present generations’ needs without affecting those of the generations to come. Sustainable development is an evolving concept that comprises all aspects of human activity. The methodology and indicators used to measure economic development have changed with the different approaches of the concept. The main indicators used are: Economic Growth Rate, Purchasing Power Parity, Human Development Index, and Human Poverty Index. In the context of profound changes in contemporary economy - theories and models of economic development must be adjusted to the new realities. More and more specialists find services the main incentive for economic growth.
关键词:Economic Growth; Sustainable Development; Economic Growth Rate; Human Development Index; Human Poverty Index.