摘要:This research aims tosynthesize the most recent studieson international student mobilityadjustment difficulties in order tocome up with a set ofrecommendations for the institutionsinvolved in the management ofinternational students in Europeancountries. Specifically, this studyanalyses the psychological processesthat international students experienceduring their mobility. Furthermore,based on these findings, the authorsunderline the strategies thatEuropean countries, wishing toconsolidate their position on theinternational education market, mightadopt in order to attract internationalstudents and to support them duringtheir integration processes. In termsof methodology, this paper uses thesystematic literature review protocol,starting with framing reviewquestions, identifying relevant works,establishing the criteria of selectingthe studies that are analysed,summarizing the evidence anddrawing relevant conclusions.. Themain practical contribution of thestudy consists in a systematic list ofgood practices for institutionsinterested in easing the culturaladjustment process for theirinternational students. Researchlimitations and practical implicationsare also addressed.
关键词:international students; international mobility; adjustment; acculturation; studying abroad.