摘要:Last couple of yearsobserved tremendous growth in QRCode usages in advertisingworldwide. But, there is lack ofknowledge on orientation of QR Codeusage and various trends related to itlike linkage with incentives, e-contentencoding etc. Further, many expertopine that current application of QRCodes in advertising is somewhatcausal and ineffective. This studyattempts a preliminary investigationof above issues in print media, usingcontent analysis approach. Analysisof data collected over one year inIndia suggested that consumer goodsmarketers are predominantlydeploying QR Codes; majority QRCodes are not linked to incentivesand QR Codes are mainly used forinformative purpose. Analysis furthersuggested ineffective offline andonline application of QR Codes inprint advertising. At last, the studygives important implications formarketers and scope of furtherresearch.
关键词:advertising; 2D barcode; mobile marketing; QR code.