摘要:This task force was formed in August 1992 to work for the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Foreign acquisitions Project for Japanese materials. The charge of the task force is to write a report which assesses current strengths and weaknesses of the major United States and Canadian Japanese research collections, determines their needs and priorities, and offers concrete action/funding proposals to address the identified problems. Fortunately, a number of previous reports and studies on the issues are available, and we reviewed and studied them carefully, including the "Survey" (1980) by Naomi Fukuda, the Perushek Report (1990), and the reports of nine task forces of the National Planning Team (1992), to name just a few. They were all helpful for us as a base from which to proceed in order to perform our task. In preparation for this report, the task force decided to gather more new information as well as follow-up information of the reports of the National Planning Team.
关键词:Information literacy; Study and teaching; Area studies; Japan; Acquisitions