The purpose of this study was to determine evaluation of clean air from viewpoint of tile industry personnel at two pressing workplaces, in order to utilize the results for economic policy making of air pollution control.
Total dust was measured on the basis of NIOSH Method 0500, showing dust concentration of 59.26 ±15.81 mg/m3 and 32.16±9.85 mg/m3 in the mentioned workplaces.
The value of clean air was determined, using Contingent Evaluation Method from the viewpoint of 100 workers (50 workers in each workplace) as case group, and 100 administrative personnel as control group.
The results demonstrated that, the average payments by workers are 77500 and 16700 Rials per person monthly in the case and control groups respectively.
The workers were exposed to 3 options as: discount in payment of insurance premium and tax, causing an increase in partnership monthly payment in the case group: 39% and 55% respectively, and in the control group equivalent to 20% and 36% respectively. It is worth mentioning that, to pay loan to the workers did not indicate any significant difference between case and control groups partnerships.