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  • 期刊名称:Interdisciplinaria
  • 印刷版ISSN:0325-8203
  • 电子版ISSN:1668-7027
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:32
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:31-49
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines
  • 摘要:El estudio realizado se propuso analizar elproceso de construccion interaccionalde narra-tivas de ficción por parte de díadas de niños dedistintas edades (4 y 12 años) que viven en po-blaciones urbano-marginadasde Argentina. Las narrativas, elicitadas a partir de una se-cuencia de imágenes, fueron video-filmadas ylue go transcriptas. El corpusincluye 33 relatosproducidos por díadas de niños de 4 y 12 años. Serealizó un análisis cualitativo que combina elMétodo Comparativo Constante (Glaser &Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1990) con he-rramientas de la Sociolingüística Interaccional(Gumperz, 1982) y el Análisis de la conversación(Goodwin & Heritage, 1990). Dicho análisis per-mitió generar un sistema de categorías que diocuenta de los roles narrativos(Goodwin, 2007)asumidos por los participantes y el modo en queesos roles eran negociados en la interacción. Losresultados mostraron que los niños adoptaban di-ferentes roles narrativos que se configuraban apartir de una yuxtaposición de campos semióti-cos -verbales, gestuales y proxémicos-. Los niñospequeños adoptaban el rol de narrador o el rol deaudiencia, mientras que los niños mayores asu-mían roles de tutor, narrador o audiencia. Asi-mismo, el análisis permitió mostrar cambios en losroles adoptados durante la situación de interac-ción.
  • 其他摘要:This study aims to analyse the interactional construction of fictional accounts that 4-year-old and 12-year-old children from marginalized urban populations in Buenos Aires (Argentina)produced together. Recent research (Gardner &Forrester, 2010; Rosemberg & Menti, in press)suggests the need to link the study of childdevelopment and performance with the micro-analysis of interaction. As these studies point out,the concepts developed by Conversation analysis(Goodwin & Heritage, 1990; Sacks, Schegloff &Jefferson, 1974) and Interactional Sociolinguistics(Gumperz, 1982) allow to study in detail theprocesses through which children and theirpartners construct shared meaning in interaction. The narratives, elicited from a sequence ofimages, were video recorder and transcribed. Thedata corpus consist of 33 narratives produced bydyads of 4 and 12 year-old children. A qualitativeanalysis was performed that combined theConstant Comparative Method (Glaser & Strauss,1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1990) with tools fromInteractional Sociolinguistic (Gumperz, 1982)and Conversation Analysis (Sacks, Schegloff &Jefferson, 1974). This analysis allowed the gener -ation of a system of categories that identified thenarrative roles assumed by the participants(Good win, 2007) and how these roles werenegotiated in the interaction. Findings showedthat children adopted narrative roles that wereconfigured from a juxtaposition of informationfrom different semiotic fields -verbal, gestural andproxemic-. 4-year-old children adopted roles ofstoryteller or audience, and 12-year-old childrenassumed roles of tutor, storyteller or audience.The tutor role was characterised by the initiationsof the sequence employing elicitations. Also,tutors used different types of interventions -feedback, expansions and repairs- to scaffold thenarrative elaborated by the young children. Thebody position, as well as the gaze of the tutor wasdirected to the story-teller and/or to the images, andalso in some cases to the researcher. The storytellerrole was characterised by giving verbal informationabout the narrative. The body position, as well asthe gaze of the storyteller was directed principallyto the audience and/or to the images. Finally, theaudience role was characterised for showinginterest in the narrative through different signalssuch as gaze direction to the storyteller, and a bodyposition close to him and to the images. Theseresults show the productivity of articulating thepsycho linguistic perspective (Nelson, 1996, 2007)with tools of the Conversational Analysis (Good -win & Heritage, 1990) to account for narrativeper formance. Results showed that while the 12-year-old children tended to adopt in most casesa tutor role, the 4-year-old assumed a storytellerrole. The narrative roles adopted by the childrenshow that children from different ages cannegotiate narrative co-construction. However, insome cases both children adopted a storytellerrole. In these situations the asymmetric relationbetween the 12-year-old and the younger childled the older child to impose his narrative notletting the 4-year-old to narrate. The microanalysis of the interactional se -quences showed that the roles adopted couldchange during the interaction. This role change didnot occur randomly, but responding to the se -quence of actions in which each participant anal- ysed the contextualization cues (Gumperz, 1982)provided by the other and acted according to them.The analysis of the exchanges showed the com -plexity of the interactional process with regard tothe construction of the stories, in which it is notpossible to comprehend the actions of oneparticipant without referring to the actions of theother (Goodwin, 1984).
  • 关键词:Interacciones entre niños; Cons-trucción interaccional; Roles narrativos; Microa-nálisis de la interacción; Poblaciones urbano-marginadas.
  • 其他关键词:Interaction between children; Interac- tional construction; Narrative roles; Microanaly- sis of interaction; Urban marginalised populations.