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  • 期刊名称:Interdisciplinaria
  • 印刷版ISSN:0325-8203
  • 电子版ISSN:1668-7027
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:32
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:51-71
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines
  • 摘要:El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue es-tudiar la estructura y ellenguaje evaluativoen na-rrativas producidas por díadas niño-cuidador prin-cipal, durante el período comprendido entre los 2años y 6 meses y 4 años. El corpusestuvo con-formado por 81 narrativas producidas en distintoscontextos conversacionales -situaciones de lecturade cuentos, conversaciones en torno a eventos pa-sados y conversaciones en torno a eventos futu-ros- en los que participaron en el hogar 6 niñospertenecientes a un grupo de sectores medios deBuenos Aires (Argentina). Se realizó un análisisde las narrativas con el fin de dar cuenta de su es-tructura y de los recursos evaluativos empleadospor los niños y sus interlocutores. El estudio con-templó también un análisis cuantitativo compa-rativo focalizado en la identificación de similitu-des y diferencias en la estructura -atendiendo enparticular el componente evaluativo en las mis-mas- y los recursos evaluativos entre las narrati-vas producidas longitudinalmente y en las dife-rentes situaciones (diferencia de medias yANOVA). Los resultados mostraron el potencialde la elaboración de narrativas en colaboraciónpara promover diferentes aspectos del desarrolloinfantil, en particular aspectos relativos al desa -rrollo cognitivo y socioemocional de los niños.Tempranamente en la infancia y en los tres con-textos estudiados los niños que participaron en elpresente estudio elaboran junto con sus cuidado-res, narrativas en donde se enfatiza la evaluacióncomo componente estructural, esto es, la inter-pretación y el posicionamiento personal frente alos eventos.
  • 其他摘要:The present study aims to analyze the structure and the evaluative language in narratives prod - uced by child-caretaker dyads from Buenos Aires (Ar gentina), in different conversational contexts - storybook reading situations, conversa tions about past and future events- when children are 2 years and a half, 3 years, 3 years and a half and 4 years old. Narrative is not only a type of discourse that organizes communicative exchanges and the transmission and recreation of culture; it is also one of the most important ways in which thoughtis configured (Bruner, 1986; Nelson, 1996; Ro -sem berg, Silva & Stein, 2010). The narrativestructureand the use of evaluative resources areparticularly related to cognitive and socioemo-tional development (Fernández & Melzi, 2008). Narrative development begins during the pre-school years (Nelson, 1996) and occurs throughthe social interactions that take place in diversedaily situations: play (Pellegrini, 1985), story-book reading (Snow, Porche, Tabors & Harris,2007) and conversations about past (Nelson,1996) and future events (Hudson, 2002, 2006). A series of studies undertaken in the fields ofPsychology and Psycholinguistics have analyzedthe structure and the evaluative language in earlynarratives orally produced by mother-child dyads(Fivush, 1991; Haden, Haine & Fivush, 1997;Peterson & McCabe, 1992, 1994, among others).The results of these studies have shown a relation -ship between the type of information introducedby mothers when they produce narratives in col-laboration with their children and the informa-tion provided by children in the production of in-dependent narratives later on (Fivush, 1991;Peterson & McCabe, 1992, 1994). Other studiesshowed an increase of the information regardingactions as well as descriptive, orientative and eval-uative components of the narratives as a functionof children’s age (Haden, Haine & Fivush, 1997).The great majority of this research has been donewith English-speaking and Caucasian families.Although there are some studies with Spanish-speaking population in Latin America (Díaz Oyar -ce & Mendoza Saavedra, 2012; Fernández &Melzi, 2008; Romero Contreras & Gómez Mar tí -nez, 2013; Shiro, 2003) one can hypothesize therewill be intra-group differences given the hetero-geneity of Hispanic population. There are few studies focused on the compar-ative analysis of narratives produced in differentconversational contexts (Curenton, Craig & Flani-gan, 2008; Fernández & Melzi, 2008). The authordid not find studies which analyzed the evaluativeresources used during the production of narrativesabout future events. The corpus of the present study consists of 81narratives produced in different conversationalcontexts: storybook reading situations (34 narra-tives), conversations about past events (24 narra-tives) and conversations about future events (23narratives). The situations, which took place inthe homes of 6 middle-income children fromBuenos Aires (Argentina), were audio-recordedand transcribed for their analysis. The narratives were analyzed regarding theirstructure and the evaluative resources used bythe participants in order to answer the followingquestions: What are the characteristics of the narrativescollaboratively produced by children-caretakersdyads? In particular, which is the relative weight ofthe evaluative component regarding the other struc-tural components referred to orientation, actionand description? Which evaluative resources are employed bythe children and their interlocutors? Are there any longitudinal and between con -versation al contexts differences regarding each ofthe aspects analyzed (structure of the narratives,evaluative component, evaluative resources)?The results showed that the evaluative com -ponent of the narratives is the most predominantsince 2:6 years and in the different conversationalcontexts considered.
  • 关键词:Estructura narrativa; Lenguajeeva luativo; Análisis longitudinal; Diferentes con-textos conversacionales; Población de sectoresmedios.
  • 其他关键词:Narrative structure; Evaluative language; Longitudinal analysis; Different conversa- tional contexts; Middle-income families.