首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月10日 星期一


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  • 期刊名称:Interdisciplinaria
  • 印刷版ISSN:0325-8203
  • 电子版ISSN:1668-7027
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:32
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:127-150
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines
  • 摘要:La formación de clases de equivalencia entreestímulos ha sido propuesta en el campo del Aná-lisis Experimental del Comportamiento como unprerrequisito conductual para el lenguaje. Adi-cionalmente, existe evidencia de que la transfe-rencia de función entre estímulos equivalentespo dría explicar la adquisición de estructuras sin-tácticas simples. No obstante, la simplicidad delas funciones sintácticas estudiadas no capturó lacomplejidad combinatoria de la gramática natu-ral. Si la transferencia de funciones en clases deequivalencia es un modelo posible del desarrollode estructuras gramaticales, debería ser verifi-cado en contextos más válidos para el estudiodel lenguaje. Los objetivos del trabajo realizadofueron los siguientes: (1) analizar la transferenciade fun ciones sintácticas en clases de equivalenciaen un contexto válido para el estudio de la ad-quisición de reglas gramaticales, utilizando paraello el paradigma de gramáticas artificiales y (2)analizar los potenciales cerebrales relacionadoscon el procesamiento de esta transferencia defunción, en secuencias gramaticales y no grama-ticales. Se encontró evidencia comportamentalde transferencia de función en un subgrupo de lossujetos experimentales. El potencial P600, típi-camente asociado al costo de integración sintác-tica en contextos lingüísticos, fue observado enestos sujetos ante: violaciones gramaticales conestímulos originales de la gramática artificialysecuencias con estímulos relacionados por equi-valencia (gramaticales y no gramaticales). Se interpretó que el procesamiento de las secuencias artificiales implicó mecanismos neurobiológicos similares a los asociados a la sintaxis del lenguaje, y que el patrón de actividad P600 observado pue - de ser explicado por el aumento del costo de in- tegración de los estímulos al contexto previo.
  • 其他摘要:terpretó que el procesamiento de las secuencias artificiales implicó mecanismos neurobiológicos similares a los asociados a la sintaxis del lenguaje, y que el patrón de actividad P600 observado pue - de ser explicado por el aumento del costo de in- tegración de los estímulos al contexto previo. Palabras clave: Clases de equivalencia; Gramá- tica artificial; Sintaxis; Transferencia de función; P600 . A BSTRACT Stimulus equivalence class formation has been proposed as a behavioral prerequisite for language within the field of experimental analysis of be hav- ior. Additionally, there is evidence that transfer of function among equivalent stimuli may explain ac- quisition of simple syntactic structures. How ever these experiments analyzed sequence func- tions that did not capture the complexity and versatility of natural grammar. If transfer of func tion between stimuli that belong to the same equivalence classes is indeed a useful model for the development of grammatical structures, then we should be able to verify it in a more valid context for the study of language. Artificial grammar learning tasks have been applied to the study of several aspects of lan- guage acquisition, from word segmentation to phrase structure and syntax rules. Furthermore, it has been shown that patterns of brain activity dur- ing processing of artificial grammars resemble those observed in language syntax processing. In particular, structural violations of language sen- tences and artificial grammar sequences both acti- vate Broca’s area. Therefore, artificial grammars provide a valid paradigm to study the learning of syntactic func tions. The main objectives of the cur- rent work were: (1) to analyze transfer of function within equivalence classes in a valid context for the study of syntax acquisition, applying the artificial gram mar paradigm and (2) to analyze brain poten- tials related to the transfer of function in gram- matical and ungrammatical sequences. Fifteen subjects were trained to form two three-stimulus equiv alence classes and then performed an artifi- cial grammar learning task. One stimulus from each equivalence class was included as an item in the artificial grammar categories. During a test stage, subjects were asked to classify new artificial grammar sequences as grammatical or ungram mat- ical, while their EEG activity was registered. Half of these new sequences were built using the original training items and the other half contained equiva- lence-related stimulus. Subjects were assign ed to two groups according to their performance in this test stage. Those participants whose percentage of correct responses was above 50 % were consider ed to pass, while those below were assigned to the fail group. We found behavioral evidence of transfer of function in the pass subgroup. These participants were able to correctly discriminate grammatical from un grammatical sequences that were built using original or equivalence-related stimulus. Event-Related poten tial Analysis of the EEG signal in dicated a posteriorly distributed positivity with a topography and time-course similar to the P600 po- tential. Within linguistic contexts, P600 is inter- preted as the neural correlate of prediction and integration costs during syntax processing. It has been proposed that sentence comprehension de- pends on predictive mechanisms that combine lex- ical, semantic and syntactic information from linguistic input to anticipate future words. Process - ing of incoming stimuli is facilitated by pre- acti- vation, allowing rapid integration to previous context. However, when the input does not match predictions, this integration becomes slower and more difficult, requiring additional neural re- sources. The P600 has been considered and index of increased integration costs, generated by unful- filled predictions of word category and mor- pho l- ogy based on previous context.
  • 关键词:Clases de equivalencia; Gramá- tica artificial; Sintaxis; Transferencia de función; P600.
  • 其他关键词:Equivalence classes; Artificial gram-mar; Syntax; Transfer of function; P600.