首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月11日 星期二


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  • 期刊名称:Interdisciplinaria
  • 印刷版ISSN:0325-8203
  • 电子版ISSN:1668-7027
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:32
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:169-181
  • 语种:Spanish
  • 出版社:Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines
  • 摘要:Este trabajo aborda un tema de gran actualidad,pero escasamente evaluado con investigacionescientífico-empíricas en la Argentina: el bullying.El Cuestionario Revisado de Agresores / Víctimasde Olweus es uno de los instrumentos más usadosen el mundo para medir el ser acosado y acosar aotros alumnos, ya que tiende a funcionar similar-mente en las distintas naciones. Estudios extran-jeros y preliminares en la Argentina detectaronque dicho cuestionario presenta una dimensiónunifactorial tanto para la Escala Ser Agredidocomo para la Escala Agredir. Así, esta investiga-ción pretendió indagar la equivalencia factorialsegún génerode dichas escalas en una poblaciónintencional de adolescentes. Para ello se consti-tuyó una muestra de 1.222 adolescentes (44%varones; media de edad: 14.4 años) que concu-rrían a escuelas de enseñanza media en la CiudadAutónoma de Buenos Aires y en la ciudad de Pa-raná (Argentina), quienes completaron dicho ins-trumento y un cuestionario sociodemográfico.Con este fin, se llevaron a cabo análisis factoria-les confirmatorios multigrupos para varones ymujeres con el Programa AMOS 16. Al fijar lascargas factoriales de los nueve ítemes de la EscalaSer Agredido, los resultados indicaron que losmismos tendían a funcionar similarmente parava rones y mujeres. En cambio, los resultados de laEscala Ser Agresor sugerían que las preguntas deagresión con golpes / empujones y decir mentirasfuncionaban de modo distinto, según el género. Enlas conclusiones se destacan las implicancias deestos hallazgos, se desarrollan explica ciones depor qué dichos ítemes funcionarían en forma di-ferente y se brindan sugerencias para futuras in-vestigaciones.
  • 其他摘要:The purpose of this research was to investigate a problem of great psychosocial and political rel - evance but scarcely studied with empirical studies in Argentina: bullying in secondary edu cation. Argentina is a developed Latin Amer ican country of Italian and Spanish descend. This nation belongs to the high but not to the very high human devel - opment group and is the second best positioned nation in Latin America. Bullying is considered to be an important risk factor for mental health of both children and adolescents due to its association with personal, familial and social problems. Victims suffer of internalizing problems (depression, anx - iety, low self-esteem, among others), on the other hand, aggressor show higher behavioral problems (antisocial behavior, substance use, among others). Several authors stated that bullying is a subset of aggressive behavior, generally defined as an act intended to inflict injury or discomfort upon an - other student. It is characterized by certain special features such as an asymmetric power relationship and some repetitiveness. Previous research has shown that this problem is more frequent in ado- l escence than in childhood. Several studies sug - gested differences in aggression according to gender ; males present higher level of aggression and bullying compared to females due to social and biological factors. Therefore, a vital aspect in this respect is measuring of both victimization and aggression. A well-known tool to measure this problems are self-reports. Although self-reports have disadvantages -as all measures- they are efficient and low-cost techniques. Thus, the main objective was to explore factorial invariance of the Revised Olweus Bully / Victim Questionnaire according to gender. This questionnaire is the most widely used instrument to measure bullying in North America and Northern Europe and several authors suggest that the questionnaire functions similarly in many countries. Besides, studies in first countries and Argentina suggested that this ques - tion naire show ed a unifactorial structure both for the Scale of Being a Bullied and the Scale of Being a Bully as well as good validity and reliability. Even in those countries, however, there are few published studies on their psychometric properties. This instrument asks about being bullied (or bully - ing other students in a different section of the questionnaire) in the past couple of months, comprising direct physical and verbal harassment and threatening and coercive behaviors as well as indirect ways of bullying. The instrument presents nine items about victimization and nine about aggression. They are rated on a 5-point scale (from 0 to 4). The questionnaire also contains several ques tions about the reactions of others to bullying. It was administered to a convenience sample of 1222 students belonging to high schools in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and Paraná (Argen - tina), (44% males, average age: 14.4). Be sides, a socio de mographic questionnaire was administered to this sample. Questionnaires were administered at school and confidentiali ty was ensured. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 17 and AMOS 16 were used for processing data. AMOS 16 was used for performing multigrup confirma to ry factorial analysis in males and females. Conf igural model for being a bullied was acceptable (CFI = .904 y SRMR = .026). Configural model for being a bully was good (CFI = .919 and SRMR = .018), as well. After constrainting param eters, results suggested that nine items of being bullied were invariant across gender. As regards being bully, results indicated that questions regard ing hitting, kicking or pushing and regarding telling lies were not invariant across gender (CFIs were .013 and .011, respectively).
  • 关键词:Acoso escolar; Adolescencia;Cues tionario de Olweus; Equivalencia factorial;Género.
  • 其他关键词:Bullying; Adolescence; Olweus Ques- tion naire; Factorial invariance; Gender.