期刊名称:The International Journal of Indian Psychology
页码:77 to 89
出版社:REDSHINE Publication
摘要:The work place owes itself elements of cultures, personality, perception, and other things from many cultures, upbringing, and other behavioral factors that employees are exposed to. This variety leads to the complex dynamics of living people, which includes possible conflicts with one another. Conflicts take place because people have needs, wants, and interests to meet. And these are prone to words, actions, and decisions from others. The non-assertive typical characteristic of the Indonesian certainly affects the dynamics of conflicts they experience. This research aims to explore some aspects of that; the definition of conflicts from the Indonesian perspective, factors that lead to conflicts, and ways to solve conflicts by Indonesian workers. The approach used is Indigenous Psychology that emphasizes on studying the attitude and thought that a person has in his/her cultural context. The participants are 700 Indonesian employees. Data are gathered using open-ended questionnaires designed by the researcher to reveal conflicts at work among Indonesian employees. Results indicate that respondents define a conflict as a common phenomenon that may happen at work. Another respondent suggest that a conflict is a lack of cooperation. Respondents argue that conflict is simply a matter of difference, and the remaining and something discomfort. Factors that trigger conflicts are; negative personality of co-workers, difference in how to handle work, ineffective communication, jealousy against co-workers, lack of work commitment, absence of cooperation, lack of work satisfaction and personal matters outside work. Ways to resolve conflicts are; interpersonal communication of those involved in a conflict, general consensus, by being patient and willing to accept, reporting to a supervisor, self-retrospect, and improving passion for work.