期刊名称:The International Journal of Indian Psychology
出版社:REDSHINE Publication
摘要:Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education (Martin Luther King, Jr.). Education must also guide one for fast, firm and successful thinking. Educational achievement is associated with many life outcomes, including income, occupation and many health and way of life variables. A great majority of the so-called educated people do not think logically and logically. Even the press, the classroom, the platform, and the stage in many instances do not give us objective and unbiased truths. Vaughan (2002) states that Working as a psychotherapist, my thought is that spiritual intelligence opens the heart, illuminates the mind, and inspires the soul, connecting the individual human psyche to the underlying ground of being. Spiritual intelligence can be developed with practice and can help a person discriminate actuality from illusion.In this situation an attempt was made to ascertain therole of education on spiritual intelligence between science and arts undergraduate students. For this purpose we selected 80 students randomly from the faculty of science and faculty of arts in A.M.U. to meet the objectives and have a better idea and analysis to understand the student’s behaviour. We applied the spiritual intelligence self-report inventory developed by D. King in 2008. We analyseddata with the help of t- test. The obtained results revealed that the students of arts are more spiritual as compared to students of science. We have found the insignificant difference between both the groups on holy intelligence level.