期刊名称:The International Journal of Indian Psychology
出版社:REDSHINE Publication
摘要:Objective: This survey was conducted regarding observe validity, reliability and standardization of Robert Hill’s perfectionism scale among the university students. Materials and Methods: The statistical population of this survey included all bachelor students of Tehran Azad University (Central branch) in academic year of 2009-2010 with the age between20 to 35. Among this statistical population via random cluster sampling, 500 students (310women and 190men) were chosen. In this survey, regarding assessing perfectionism scale reliability, factor analysis method was used. Before performing factor analysis, sampling adequacy was proved by rejecting zero hypotheses based on correct matrix homology in society by Bartlett test. Hence, implementing factor analysis was justifiable. In order to check the validity of Hill perfectionism scale, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used and after deleting unsuitable questions (4-15-19), scale validity coefficient of 0/921 was gained which indicates that perfectionism scale is having high validity. In order to determine the construct reliability, factor analysis was used. Assessment of perfectionism scale was conducted through the principal component analysis and orthogonal rotation. According to results from factor analysis, among 56 perfectionism questions, 6 factors were extracted which justified 47/0 percent of all variables. Factor matrix showed: the first factor is having the highest factor power and share comparing to other factors. In current survey, questions (59,24,2,11,36,44,34,47,31,18,32,71) were complex questions, as they tended to have power in various factors. In order to determine perfectionism scale norm for the students, questionnaire scores was determined. Accordingly, perfectionism questionnaire contents were graded based on four scales’ items from agree to disagree with grades 1 to 4. Results: Hill perfectionism scale is having proper psychometric features to be used in Iran society.