期刊名称:Annals of "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University - Economy, Commerce and Tourism Series
摘要:The globalization is a complex phenomenon with implications of both geopolitical and institutional nature. The evolution of the globalization process as well as the involvement of the local, regional, state and international level institutions into it determine a thorough analysis of the place and role of national institutions in a globalized and globalizing world. The international structures and the national institutional structures must find those mechanisms of adapting to the challenges of a so complex process, with influences on the international order, and Romania must assume its position within the international system. In the international relationships, an important role is taken by the trans-Atlantic dialogue and intra-European co-operation. The majority of globalization definitions indicates the fact that it is a multi-cause process which has as a result the fact that events occurring in a part of the world have consequences more and more ample on the societies and issued in other parts of the world.