期刊名称:Annals of "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University - Economy, Commerce and Tourism Series
摘要:The profound structural changes occurred in the global economy and also in the national one – globalization, dematerialization, crisis etc. – impel us to watch critically not only the managerial practices on different levels of economic organization, but also the theoretical scaffold that inspired them. The „disembodiment“ of the processes and the economic value exert particularly pressing effects within the meaning of the purposes of reviewing the concepts and the theoretical models of most management sciences. The financial management of the enterprise does not only represent an exception, but contrariwise is situated in the vanguard of this conceptual renewal inasmuch as it is the area that took the mission to answer some fundamental questions: What does it represent in the present the economic value and, consequently, the business’ value? What are the main factors (inducers) of business’ value? What are the means of stimulation the increasing of the business’ value? The problem of the financial management is more complex, but we must recognize that the other concerns are, directly or indirectly, just some subordinate derivatives of these three crucial issues, and the economic dematerialization require us to revise, sometimes radically, the traditional views focused on them.