摘要:Biometrics deals with identification of individuals based on their biological or behavioral characteristics. Iris recognition is one of the newer biometric technologies used for personal identification. [1] This paper presents biometrics based Iris and palm print recognition system. Human iris is one of the most reliable biometric because of its uniqueness, stability and noninvasive nature. In this paper, an iris recognition system is presented with several steps. First, image pre-processing is performed. Then features are extracted from the iris image using Ridge Energy Detection Algorithm (RED) by filtering the normalized iris region. Finally two Iris Codes are compared and human identification is done. Palm print images are enhanced using preprocessing techniques such as morphological operations. The feature extraction technique of Harris feature extraction algorithm is used to extract features. These techniques are more reliable and faster than traditional techniques used. Experimental results shown recognition rate of 100% for iris and 100% for palm print. This implies that the proposed methodology has better performance and is more reliable over the techniques proposed and used earlier. Keywords — RED, Iris recognition, Pupil localization, Iris localization, Identification, Normalization, Harris features, Euclidean.