摘要:Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a large collection of sensor nodes with sensing, computational and wireless capabilities that have limited power supply and constrained computational capability. Due to dispensed nature of these networks they are easily vulnerable to numerous security threats that can adversely affect the proper functioning.The location of the source can be revealed by analysis of the direction traffic flow in the network, so the Traditional security mechanisms like encryption have proven to be ineffective. To provide effective source privacy,propose a scheme Source Node Privacy(SNP) through Selection of Set(SOS)alongwith Lively Routing Path (LAP). The securityAnalysisbased on the proposed criteria, shows that the proposed scheme can provide excellent Source Privacy (SP). The messagewill send securely. The adversaries cannot able to identify the source node. Because of the secure algorithmthe adversaries cannot make anyinterruption to the message. The comprehensive simulation results demonstrate thatthe proposed scheme is very efficient, provide privacy and can achieve a high message delivery ratio. The proposed scheme is designed to save precious sensor energy.