期刊名称:International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
摘要:ABSTRACT: Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices uses power electronics components to maintain controllability and capability of electrical power system FACTS [1] controller includes unified power flow controller (UPFC), Static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs), Thyristor controlled series compensators (TCCs), Static series synchronous compensators (SSSCs) and Static VAR compensators (SVCs), are able to modify voltage, phase angle and impedance at particular bus in a power system. The (UPFC) is the most versatile and complex power electronic equipment that has emerged for the control and optimization of power flow in electrical power transmission system. This paper investigates the enhancement in voltage stability margin as well as the improvement in the power transfer capability in a power system with the incorporation of UPFC. A simple transmission line system is modeled in mat lab/Simulink environment. The load flow results are first obtained for an uncompensated system, and the voltage and power (real and reactive power) profiles are studied. The results so obtained are compared with the result obtained after compensating the system using UPFC to show the voltage stability margin enhancement. All the simulating for the above work have been carried out using matlab/Simulink software.