摘要:The article reveals social and demographic characteristics (age, sex, social origin, etc.) of the Penza sectarians in the 1940-1960s (Old Believers of the Belokrinitsky consent, Old Believers-bespopovtsy, Old Believers – spasovtsy-netovtsy, true and orthodox Christians, churikovets, switches and others); the geography of their locations in the region is described; their confessional practice (prayer meetings, invitation of priests from other regions, etc. is investigated; appearance of new members, generally through a family and believing relatives); the main directions of the Soviet state and religious policy towards sectarianism on the regional level in 1940-1960s are revealed (refusal in registration of the organization, prosecution, imprisonment, discrediting in the media, expulsion, etc.). Sectarians actually were reluctant to collaborate with authorities, for which they were subjected to severe repressions from power bodies.