期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology
出版社:Seventh Sense Research Group
摘要:In the actual world, a third party companies will publish social networks, e.g., a cloud service provider, for commerce intellect. An important point is privacy preserving when declare social system of connection data. The paper describes a unique type security problem, termed surroundings violation. We guess that an raider ability about the intensity of an ambition onehop bystander, in accession to get community chart, the neighbour relationship target the onehop bystander the aim and the relationship among these bystanders. Regarding this information, an attacker may find out the destination from a kanonymous social network with likelihood higher than 1/k, where any node’s 1community chart is isomorphic with k – 1 other node’s chart. To prevent the 1*neighbourhood attack, privacy property key is defined, probability in distinguishability, for an expand social network, and suggest a heuristic in distinguishable group anonymization (HIGA) scheme to generate an anonymous social network with this privacy property. The practical study indicates that the anonymous social networks can still be used to answer aggregate queries with high accuracy.
关键词:Cloud computing; social networks; privacy probability in distinguishability