The first directive regarding the financial reporting at the level of European Union is published in 1978 (The Fourth Directive) and whereas its content does not refer to the group companies, this directive was supplemented by another directive (The Seventh Directive) published in 1983. The two directives regulate in parallel the issues concerning the preparing of the annual financial statements of individual companies, respectively of the group companies. Since 2008 have begun to take shape the point of views regarding the need of the development and publication of some regulations to simplify and to reduce the administrative burdens of the companies, including on the issue of financial reporting. The steps in the direction of simplification of the regulation in accounting area have resulted in June 2013 in The 34th Directive regarding the annual financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and the related reports of certain types of companies. As a member of the European Union, Romania must take into account the implementation of the European legislation in all areas, including in the field of accounting. In this respect, The Fourth Directive regarding the annual accounts of certain types of companies and The Seventh Directive regarding the consolidated accounts have been transposed into Romanian legislation since 2006 through OMFP 1752/2005 when the Romanian accounting regulations have become in accordance to the European directives and not only harmonized with these, and OMFP 3055/2009 brings additional information concerning the rules relating to the consolidation of accounts.