摘要:The purpose of this research was to identify the fi ghters’ technical and tactical activity indicators in order to determine indicator signifi cance regarding situational effi ciency and designation between winning and losing performances in a karate match. We scientifi cally observed a sample of 274 male contesters of 137 karate matches during the 2008 World Karate Championship in Tokyo. Each individual competitor was observed in maximum of three matches. The matches were recorded using a DVD camera in order to collect data for further analysis, and the sample was further described using 48 technical and tactical indicators of situational effi ciency and match outcome variables. The obtained results indicate that a karate match is composed of 91% of non-scoring techniques and 9% of scoring techniques in the total technique frequency. On this basis a signifi cant difference in the situational effi ciency between the match winners and the losing contesters has been discovered. Those two groups of fi ghters exhibit a statistically signifi cant difference (p 11 out of 21 observed variables of situational effi ciency in the table of derived situational indicators. A prevalence of nonscoring techniques suggests that energy demand and technical and tactical requirements of a karate match are in the largest extent defi ned by non-scoring techniques. Therefore, it would be a grave mistake to disregard non-scoring karate techniques in any future situational effi ciency studies. It has been discovered that the winners differ from the defeated contesters by a higher level of situational effi ciency in their executed techniques, which incorporate versatility, biomechanical and structural complexity, topological diversity and a specifi c tactical concept of technique use in the attack phase.