摘要:The study sought to investigate the influence of parents’ economic status on academic performance of girls in mixed day secondary schools in Njoro Sub-County Nakuru County, Kenya. Survey research design was used. Data was collected from 176 form four girls who were randomly selected from 10 mixed day secondary schools in Njoro Sub-County. In addition, 18 form four parents and 10 form four class teachers were purposively selected and involved in the study. Parents’ questionnaire (PQ), form four girls questionnaire (GQ) and class teachers’ questionnaire (TQ) were used to collect data. Data was analyzed using percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviation and inferential statistics namely, Pearson product moment correlation. The findings of the study showed that parents’ economic status influenced girls’ academic performance in mixed day secondary schools. The findings of the study are significant to stakeholders in education on issues of economic status that influence academic performance of girls in mixed day secondary schools. It is hoped that this study will equip the education stakeholders with information on how to enhance the academic performance of girls not only in mixed day secondary schools but throughout the education system.
关键词:girls’ academic performance; parents’ economic status; mixed day secondary school