摘要:Tuberculosis remains a major threatening infectious diseaseclaiming millions of lives every year; hence increasing the global burden of TBdisease. Co-infection with human immuno-deficiency virus and emergence ofmulti-drug resistant tuberculosis, extremely drug resistant tuberculosis andtotally drug resistant tuberculosis enhances deadly effect of tuberculosis. Toeliminate TB disease from human population several partnerships are workingtogether like Stop TB Partnership, TB Alliance, Tuberculosis vaccineinitiative, Global Alliance for TB Drug Development and many other partners. Tillnow almost 10 drugs and 11 vaccines are under various clinical trials. Anti-Tuberculosisdrugs like bedaquiline and clofazimine are being developed for treatment oftuberculosis as well as for treating MDR-TB, XDR-TB and TDR-TB but till now, nodrugs are available for treatment of TDR-TB. PA-824 and SQ-109 showed theirpotent activity against tuberculosis and thought to reduce the treatmentduration in infected patients. Several vaccines are also being developed forenhancing the effect of Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin as well for replacing it. Newanti-tuberculosis drugs offer hopes of shortened treatment regimens for drugsusceptible, drug resistant and latent infection. The quest for better vaccinesfor controlling tuberculosis among human population in future continues.
关键词:Mycobacterium Tuberculosis; MDR-TB; XDR-TB; TDR-TB; Drug and Vaccines