摘要:In order to increase the productivity among the civil servants and also in the public sector the government has suggested to restructure the working hours during the weekdays for its employees, so that an additional holiday can be provided which in turn can increase the productivity. In addition, the government also thought that by declaring third Saturday as an additional holiday for the public sector its employee can have more time to plan for their short trips thereby promotes tourism. Which in turn encourage the spending habit among the people and boost the economy. But initially the people involved are very much concerned about the impact of this new ruling and raised doubts about increase in productivity in the public sector. The literature on relevant topic was searched and arranged in chronology of events with some background on the environment of Malaysia. It provided some indications that the productivity is related to the restructuring working hours. That provided a new insight and further scope for the current paper. The interview schedule was prepared and survey was conducted among both the public and private sector industries to fill the gap on the understanding about new government ruling and its impact on productivity. The findings provided proper output on the issue. It was found that much concern was shown on the issue particularly on the personal conveniences because of the change. Some of the private sector employees also confirmed that the productivity is generally low on Saturdays and hence the new ruling is not going to affect the productivity in a significant manner.
关键词:Productivity; civil servants; public ; sector; working time