摘要:The present research explores the relationship that exists between the parental interaction and attitude of the teachers with the academic performance of school going children. The sample comprised of 200 academic underachievers studying in classes' 4 t h - 6 t h , failing to perform satisfactorily without any apparent reasons. Besides them their parents (n=200) and teachers (n=189) were also included. Stratified random sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample. The entire sample was spread over five educational zones of Jammu, and from a total of 59 schools the children were selected by random sampling procedure. The parents and teachers were however, selected by purposive sampling procedure. The tools used for data collection included Parent Child Interaction Scale (Thirtha and Gururaja, 1982), a self devised Teachers Attitude rating scale and academic learning tests. The results reveal that parent-child interaction and teacher 's attitude significantly influenced the academic performance of the children. On the parent-child interaction scale most of the parents (49%) were found to score moderately, followed by 28% and 23% who scored low and high respectively. On the whole, there existed a significant positive correlation between parent-child interaction and academic learning and individually also each of the three academic areas- Reading, Spelling and Mathematics were also significantly correlated with the parent-child interaction index. The attitudes of the teachers especially their attitudes towards teaching as a profession, towards facilities offered at school to children and towards academic underachievers were found to be significantly related to academic learning (all the three areas together) of the children.
关键词:Academic Performance. Parent-child Interaction. Attitude of Teachers