摘要:T his paper deve lops a model to measu re bra nd loyalty. This is ac hieved by re sea rching histor ical brand loya lty models from the literature, a nd to identify from these models the constructs tha t influence beha viour re la te d to bra nd loyalty. An explora tor y r ese arc h per spec tive examined a broa d ra nge of survey-ba sed loyalty influence s and then reduce d these influences to the twe lve more important ones. T hese twelve influe nce s were further e xa mined and a nu mber of valid questions to measur e each influence, were formula ted from the litera ture review. This culmina ted in the fina l result, namely the model to measure brand loyalty. The resea rch is of value to management, especia lly marketing and brand managers, as well as academics a nd other researchers. Managers will be able to a pply the model to dete rmine whic h spe cific influe nc es ar e the most important for their p rodu cts or ser vices, while also identifying where their bra nd loya lty fa ils.
关键词:Manageria l Tool. Business Competitiveness. Marketing. Brand Ma nagement. Brand Loyalty Influences