摘要:The objective of this paper is to va lidate a conceptual model to measure brand loyalty. T he empirica l process of va lidation is ba sed on literature resea rch. The model wa s tested a mongst a sample of 550 managers and 541 completed the questionnair es (response rate of 98%). The va lida tion process aimed to validate th e items that measure ea ch of the br and loyalty influences; assess the sa mpling adequac y; test the applica bility o f the da ta for multivariate statistica l a nalysis; de ter mine the importance of ea ch of the bra nd loyalty influences; and test the reliability of each of the bra nd loyalty influenc es in the model. All these objectives we re met. This culmina ted in the final result, na mely that the model to measure bra nd loyalty was proven statistically to be a va lid a nd reliable model that can be used to measure brand loyalty. The research is of va lue to ma na gers, aca demia and researchers
关键词:Mana ge ria l Tool. Competiveness. Marketing Model. Br and Ma nagement. FM CG