摘要:In ma ny developing nations of the world, competence in information and communication technology (ICT) is seen as a key enabling factor for both personal and na tional a dvancement and progress. A major cha llenge facing such countrie s is the ne ed to overcome overt a nd hidden obsta cles to technology a doption. School teachers are regarded as the essentia l drivers of ICT. This ar ticle repor ts on a quantitative study that inve stigated Business Educ ation teac hers' propensities for technology a doption a mong a ra ndom sample of 20 4 Bu siness Educa tion tea chers in the Ethekwini region of KwaZu lu-Natal, South Africa . Questionnaire s were issued to these tea cher s to ascertain their responses to statements that linked closely to the constructs used in the study, which were extracted from technology a doption theories/mode ls. T he findings indicated that the tea chers wer e quite positive towa rds the per ceived usef ulness a nd r elative adv anta ges of c omputers, we re motivate d a nd felt tha t the y c ou ld u se computers with ea se. H owever, they we re not confident that the necessary conditions existed to facilitate their use of computers in teaching and learning. Unless the D epartment of Educa tion takes cogniza nce of teachers' propensity for technology adoption a nd the fa ctors that seem to be hindering ICT integra tion, the vision and goa ls of the White Pape r on E- Education may not bec ome a rea lity in schools in Kwa Zulu-Na tal
关键词:D iffusion of Te chnology. ICT Integr ation. Te chnology Adoption Models. Use of Technology. ; Technology in Curriculum