摘要:T his study recognises the importance of social capital in community health interventions. It presents the resu lts of a qualitative study exploring the role of community-level social ca pital in crea ting a nd fa cilitating pathwa ys through which HIV/AIDS infection can be prevented and mitiga ted. D rawing on ethnogra phic na rra tives of the pa rtic ipants captured mainly thr ough semi-structured interviews, the study revea ls socia l capital as pla ying a significant role in addressing a host of social determinants of HIV/AIDS such a poverty, social ma rginalisation and inequa lity. Study participants were drawn from three (3) villages of the Umkhanya khude District of KwaZulu-Natal Province. The importanc e of socia l ca pital ca n be se en in its a bility to promote the development of a common morality and the horizontal exchange of resou rces. The stu dy ha s established tha t at the community level, social capital is believed to promote health by fighting social stigma a nd the provision of social support. This study also empha sised the relevance of loca lised participa tion in HIV/AIDS initia tives and its ability to create socia l capital for HIV /AI DS pre vention
关键词:Socia l N etworks. Effica cy. Community Social Ca pital. Loca lised Participation. Public G oods. Socia l ; Suppor t