摘要:T he perception held by aca de mic staff of programme r e-a ccreditation ha s bee n a ma jor pr oblem in South African H igher Educa tion Institutions. Academics a re concerned a bout the influence of the gov ernment in their daily operation, while the government c laim that they w ant to be a ccountable to the public for money spent on Higher Education. To a large extent, aca demics believe that the r ole of the government amounts to interfering rather than being accountable, and tha t the academic freedom of aca demics has been violated. The pa rticipants of the study were a cademics from the School of Tea cher Educa tion a t the Centr al University of Technology, Free State. Q uestionna ires, docu me ntary analysis and inter views we re u sed as the main da ta collection instru me nts. T he study re vea le d tha t a nega tive per ception a mongst a ca demic sta ff e xisted with rega rd to progr amm e re - a ccredita tion. Fur thermore, the study a lso esta blished tha t it is still difficult for aca demic staf f to identify the difference between the r ole pla yed by the government and their own institutions