摘要:Division of labour ha s been re cognised a s a sourc e of we alth to na tions, by some experts without considering its effects on labour. However, some experts are of the view that increasing division of la bour contra cts the range of choice of ways of making a living for the working cla ss. T hus the outcome of division of labour is the lowering of value of individua l workers. Workers' activities become increasingly na rrow and monotonous, through division of la bour which ma rs instead of developing the ir cre ativity. Outsou rcing on the other hand, has bee n consider ed a require ment for corporations to ea rn higher profits and to respond to competition. T hus, compa nies that refuse to look outwa rd for lower-cost inputs may lose their competitive adva ntages under a globa l setting. This pa per contends that the logic of outsour cing c annot be mu tua lly exc lu sive from the logic division of labou r. Outsourcing simply implies the interna tionalisation of division of labour. Wherea s division of la bour was loca lised, outsourcing ha s been globalised to provide capital with additional le vera ge to exploit la bour globally
关键词:D ivision of L abour. Globa lisation. Ma chinery. Ou tsourc ing. Technology