标题:School Management Teams’ Conceptualisation of School Assets in Addressing the Needs of Children Orphaned and Made Vulnerable by HIV and AIDS: Evidence from South Africa
摘要:T his pa per explore s School Ma nage ment Tea ms' u nderstanding of sc hool a sse ts as a me ans to respond to the needs of orpha ns a nd other childr en made vulnera ble by A IDS in the context of ru ral schools in South Africa . T he study employed a qua lita tive a pproa ch of da ta collection, using an art-based method, that is, collage to identify the School Management Tea ms' responses to the needs of children orphaned a nd made vulnerable by AID S in a rural school context, which included their identific ation of a ssets (resources) within and outside the school c onte xt, a nd conce rns about the mobiliz ation a nd mapping out of a ssets u sing a c olla ge. The S chool Mana gement Tea ms' understa nding of assets included materia l things such a s food and clothe s. T he findings a lso show that School Management Teams relied more on outside assets than a ssets within the school. However, with the use of the collage, as a means to chart their way forward, School Ma na gement Teams engaged in a discussion and looked a t the extent to which lea rners, teac he rs, Sc hool Ma na gement Tea ms, Sc hool Governing Bodies a nd outside community assets such as fa ith-ba sed organisations, businesses and pa rents could be mobilized a nd mapped in order to effec tively respond to the needs of orpha ns and other children ma de vu lnera ble by AID S in a rura l c on tex t
关键词:Assets. Colla ge.Sc hool Mana gement Te am.Or pha ns. Rur al